Szerzők az OTE Fej-nyaksebészeti Tanszéken 1983-ban sikerrel operáltak világirodalmi ritkaságú mesopharynx tumort. A postoperativ szakban többszöri profus vérzést követően az a. carotis communis lekötésére kényszerültek. A 4 éves controll-vizsgálat során a beteg tumor mentes, csupán közepes súlyosságú neurológiai maradványtünetek észlelhetőek.
Control of profuse hemorrhage by ligating the arteria carotis communis following operation of an infrequent mesopharynx tumor.
The authors operated on successfully in 1983. at the Institute of Head-neck Surgery of the Medical Post-graduate University a mesopharynx tumor the occurrence of which is extremely rarely reported in the literature. In the postoperative phase following several profuse hemorrhages the arteria carotis communis had to be ligated. In the course of the 4-year control examin-ations the patient was free of tumor only neurological sequela of medium severity were observed.
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