1961 - 1.szám

Az acusticus cortexen regisztrálható „evoked potential”-ok változása feltételes reflex kiépítése folyamán

Intézmény: Pécsi Orvostudományi Egyetem Fül-orr-gégeklinikájának (Mb. igazgató: Duchon Jenő dr.) és Élettani Intézetének (Igazgató : Lissák Kálmán dr., egyet, tanár) közleménye
Lapszám: Fül-Orr-Gégegyógyászat 7. 1961.


A hallórendszer idegelemeinek működése közben — mint minden más sejt működése közben — actiós áram regisztrálható. Hanginger vagy a halló- rendszer valamely pontjának elektromos ingerlése által keltett actiós poten- tiált elkülönítésül a spontan actiós áramoktól „evoked potential’’-nak nevezik. Ezen kifejezés magyar megfelelőjeként a továbbiakban a „kiváltott potentiál” kifejezést használjuk.


Variation of Acoustic Evoked Potentials during the Elaboration of Alimentary Conditioned Reflex.


The changes of evoked potentials elicited by a series of clicks in the auditory cortex of cats were examined during the elaboration of an alimentary conditioned reflex. Evaluation of the observations is based on the changes of amplitude of the potentials, the other characteristics of which have been disregarded.
It M'as found that
(i) the amplitude of evoked potentials varied with the different stages of development of the conditioned reflex : during the labile phase both of establishment and extinction, low amplitude could be seen. During stabilization of the conditioned reflex andor inhibition, the amplitude was increased.
(ii) the potential elicited by the first of a series of clicks did not follow the above described rule. A large first potential appeared with the first sings of establishment of the conditioned reflex and disappeared when the reflex was under inhibition.
The authors are of the opinion that
(i) the amplitude of the evoked potentials indicates the general level of wakefulness. In the case of high degree excitation low amplitude is observed and vice versa.
(ii) the changes in amplitude of the potentials can be related to the different degrees of excitatory state in the reticular formation.
(iii) the appearance of the first large potential indicates the existence of a hitherto unclarified mechanism which may play an important part in the establishment of the temporary connection.


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