A pontocerebelláris (p. c.) daganatok kórismézésében a VIII. agyideg vizsgálata elsőrendű fontosságú. Jelen munkánkban, amely 28 acusticus neurinomán és egy pontocerebelláris arachnitisen alapul, a cochleo- vestibuláris vizsgálat néhány kevésbé ismert szempontjára kívánjuk a figyelmet felhívni.
Value of Otoneurologic Examinations on the Diagnosis of Tumours of the Acoustic Nerve.
The report is based on 28 cases of neurinoma of the acoustic nerve and one case of p. c. arachnitis. The most frequent symptom was the failure of cochleo-vestibular function, spontaneous nystagmus, corneal hyp- or anaesthesia. Cochlear hypaesthesia of the intact side is in their view, due to increased infratentorial pressure. Horizontal nystagmus of greater amplitude directed toward the affected side, or vertical nystagmus, are sings of bad prognosis. To secure diagnosis, authors suggest to make, especially if a tumour of medial location is assumed, axial and half-axial films also, beside the routine ones.
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