Az utolsó tíz év idevonatkozó irodalmát áttekintve a következőkben foglalhatjuk össze a gégepapillomával kapcsolatos tapasztalatokat :
I. Az aetiológiára vonatkozólag több feltevés van, amelyeket hol megerősítenek, hol pedig szigorú bírálattal illetnek.
Case of Laryngeal Papilloma Associated with Laryngo-Tracheo- Bronchitis. Aetiology and Therapy of Larinygeal Papilloma.
Report on a case of laryngeal papilloma in a child. Larinygeal stenosis produced by the tumour was greatly increased by intervening laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis, and tracheotomy was performed for imminent suffocation. Papilloma was removed by endolaryngeal route with a double-curet, then aureomycin was administered. No recurrence was obsered within one year.
From this case, no farreaching conclusions should be drawn in respect to the aureomycin therapy of laryngeal papillomas. Noteworthily, in the majority of patients who had not been treated with aureomycin recurrence ensued within a few weeks.
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